Our Webhooks
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JSON Schemas
This list contains all available webhook schemas. The ones marked as deprecated
should be avoided or upgraded. To upgrade a webhook, refer to this guide on How to Upgrade Webhhoks without Downtime.
Order completed v2
Send when order is completed
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Report completed v1
Send when report is completed
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Document in review v2
Send when document is review
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Report reopened v1
Send when report reopened
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Task created v1
Send when task created
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Interaction value updated v1
Send when interaction value updated
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Order created v2
Send when order created
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Order started v1
Send when order started
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Order published v1
Send when order published
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Order overdue v1
Send when order reached end date while in state:
- not started
- in progress
- problem
- paused
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Task updated v1
Send when task updated
Here is the JSON schema
Click to expand
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Report started v1
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