Breaking Changes

Changes to the Operations1 REST API can be broken up between breaking and non-breaking changes. Here is what you need to know.

Breaking Changes

The Operations1 REST API is not static.
Changes are needed to provide additional functionality for integrations and to keep up with changes in Operations1.
These changes to the REST API can be broken up between breaking and non-breaking changes.

What is considered a breaking change?

A change to our Operations1 REST API is considered a breaking change when it has the potential to break an existing integration.

Breaking changes therefore are:

  • removing or renaming an API endpoint,
  • removing or renaming a query parameter
  • removing or renaming a payload property
  • removing or renaming a response property
  • adding a new required query parameter
  • adding a new required payload property
  • making a previously optional parameter required
  • changing the type of query parameter or response property
  • changing an enumeration
  • modifying authorization
  • modifying rate limiting

Breaking changes are only introduce with a new API version.

What is considered a non-breaking change?

A non-breaking change is a change that does not affect the behavior of existing integrations and does not require them to make any changes.

Non-breaking change are:

  • adding a new endpoint
  • adding a new response property
  • adding optional query parameters to an endpoint or extending possible values for query parameter
  • extending payload properties with optional properties

We expect that your integration can handle these changes. These changes will be introduced to existing versions of the Operations1 REST API.