
June 3rd, 2024


  • Return proper error message for POST /tenants/{tenantId}/orders endpoint when the provided document id is not published

May 6th, 2024


  • Fix the error codes for PUT /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId}/interaction-values/interaction-version-persistent-id endpoint


  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/reports to create a report
  • Added new query parameter search to GET /tenants/{tenantId}/orders to filter orders by order name

April 22th, 2024


  • Extend the POST /tenants/{tenantId}/orders/{orderId}/order-document-assignments endpoint to accept reportName and classCharacteristicsIds parameters within the payload
  • Extend the POST /tenants/{tenantId}/orders endpoint to accept reportName and classCharacteristicsIds parameters, while specifying order-document-assignments within the payload
  • Added variables property for POST /tenants/{tenantId}/orders and PATCH /tenants/{tenantId}/orders/{orderId} endpoints to manage order variables
  • Extend GET /tenants/{tenantId}/orders endpoint response with classCharacteristics property
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/pdfs-feedback/{pdfFeedbackId}/file.pdf to fetch interaction pdf-feedback file
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/images-feedback/{imageFeedbackId}/file to get image feedback file by id
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/videos-feedback/{videoFeedbackId}/file to get video feedback file by id
  • Endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId}/generate-pdf no longer responds with error if request is repeated
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId}/media-feedbacks to get media feedback by report id

April 10th, 2024


  • Fix names property for GET /tenants/{tenantId}/global-pdfs endpoint to return correct format similar to other endpoints

April 8th, 2024


  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/classes/{classId} to get a class by its id
  • Added new query parameter customOrderIds to GET /tenants/{tenantId}/orders to filter orders by custom order ids
  • Added new query parameter orderIds to GET /tenants/{tenantId}/orders to filter orders by order ids
  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/orders/{orderId}/reports/detach to detach reports from an order
  • Added new endpoint DELETE /tenants/{tenantId}/order-document-assignments/{orderDocumentAssignmentId} to delete document from an order
  • Added new query parameter emails to GET /tenants/{tenantId}/users to filter users by emails
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId} to fetch a report by its id
  • Added new property classCharacteristics to the document model


  • Fix error code for POST /tenants/{tenantId}/orders endpoint

March 25th, 2024


  • Added new query parameter archived to GET /tenants/{tenantId}/orders to filter orders by archived status
  • Added new query parameter archived to GET /tenants/{tenantId}/reports to filter reports by archived status
  • Added new query parameter archived to GET /tenants/{tenantId}/users to filter tasks by archived status


  • Return all orders when archived query parameter is not set. Previously, it was returning only non-archived orders
  • Return all reports when archived query parameter is not set. Previously, it was returning only non-archived reports

March 11th, 2024


  • Added new endpoint PATCH /tenants/{tenantId}/orders/{orderId} to update order
  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/orders to create an order
  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/orders/{orderId}/order-document-assignments to create an order document assignments
  • Added new endpoint PATCH /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId} to update report

February 26th, 2024


  • Fix error code for GET /tenants/{tenantId}/classes/{classId}/class-characteristics if classId does not found


  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/global-pdfs to get a list of global-pdfs
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/documents to get a list of documents

February 12th, 2024


  • Fix URLs GET /tenants/{tenantId}/classes/{classId}/class-characteristics and POST /tenants/{tenantId}/class-characteristics to ensure a consistent naming pattern


  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/tasks to create new task

January 29th, 2024


  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/interaction/{interactionId} to get an interaction by its id
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId}/interaction-values to get the interaction values of a report by specifying its report id
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId}/class-characteristics to get the class characteristics of a report by specifying its report id

January 15th, 2024


  • Added new endpoint PUT /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId}/interaction-values/interaction-version-persistent-id to update interaction value by interaction persistent id
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/classes to get a list of classes
  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/classes to create a new class
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/classes/{classId}/classCharacteristics to get a list of classCharacteristics of a class
  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/classCharacteristics to create a new classCharacteristic


  • Fix error codes for POST /tenants/{tenantId}/users when you try to enable a user email if email was not set and when you submit an invalid external classifier filter

December 4th, 2023


  • Fixed error codes, they are now human-readable

November 20th, 2023


  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/orders to get a list of orders
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/tasks to get a list of tasks
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/report-pdfs/{reportPdfId} to get detailed information about a report pdf
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/documents/{documentId} to get detailed information about a document

November 6th, 2023


  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/documents to create a new document

October 23rd, 2023


  • Added new property externalId to user model
  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/reports/{reportId}/generate-pdf to generate a pdf report

October 9th, 2023

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our first-ever release of the Operations1 REST API, unlocking possibilities for developers and businesses alike. With this release, you gain seamless access to the powerful features and data offered by our platform, allowing you to create innovative applications, streamline processes, and elevate your user experience.
This first release is focused to the users domain:

  1. Retrieve User Information
  2. Retrieve User List
  3. Create New Users
  4. Update User Profiles
  5. Push Documents into User Views
  6. Retrieve Role List
  7. Assign Role to User

This API version is designed to provide you with secure access to user and role management, enabling you to create, update, and retrieve user and role data effortlessly. Please refer to the API documentation for more details on request formats, responses, and authentication.

Explore the capabilities of the Operations1 REST API and integrate it seamlessly into your existing systems to enhance user management workflows.


  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/users/{userId} to get detailed information about a user
  • Added new endpoint PATCH /tenants/{tenantId}/users/{userId} to update user information
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/users to get a list of users
  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/users to create a new user
  • Added new endpoint POST /tenants/{tenantId}/users/{userId}/push-document-into-view to push documents into user views
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/roles to get a list of roles
  • Added new endpoint PUT /tenants/{tenantId}/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId} to assign a role to a user
  • Added new endpoint GET /tenants/{tenantId}/reports to get a list of reports